Watch Out For The Pitfalls Of SMSF Administration
It’s important to ensure your self managed super fund administration is in order and compliant. Our service helps to achieve this by providing SMSF accounting, SMSF tax returns and the SMSF audit by qualified accountants and SMSF Association accredited professionals.
What Is The Cost of SMSF Administration?
Other self managed super fund providers might not emphasise the importance or ongoing costs of SMSF administration. Our research has shown that you may be led to believe that annual administration for an SMSF is a standard service with very little variance in the inclusions and the price. This is certainly one of the biggest misconceptions within self managed super funds. There are a variety of different options to consider and different pricing structures. Cheap alternative SMSF administration services often run a limited service and may even place restrictions on who you can invest with and in.
Choosing the right SMSF administration package depends upon what’s right for your individual circumstances. At Leenane Templeton ‘The Self-Managed Super Specialists’ we look at whether you need ‘end of year’ or ‘daily’ SMSF administration, the total range of services that you require and the best fit in terms of how you run your SMSF. We also build a strong relationship with you and a complete understanding of your self managed super needs so that we can deliver a valuable administration service to your Self Managed Super Fund. For an SMSF administration quote please call our team to discuss your self managed super fund administration and accounting needs.

“SMSF accounting and administration ensures regulatory compliance, accurate financial reporting, and optimal tax planning, empowering you to make informed decisions for a secure and well-managed retirement fund.” – Andrew Frith CEO – Leenane Templeton
Additional services that we provide in comparison to a basic SMSF administration service provider:
- Preparation of Annual Financial Statements
- Preparation of Income Tax Return
- Annual self managed super fund audit
- Mail box for fund’s investment and tax correspondence
- Daily SMSF Administration and processing of transactions
- 24 hours, 7 days a week secure web access to the SMSF portfolio
- Reduction of paperwork volume for the SMSF trustees
- Freedom to conduct your own transactions
- Identification of SMSF compliance issues as they happen
- Unlimited transactions
- Automatic SMSF trust deed upgrades when laws change
- Access to basic technical advice throughout the year
- Option for us to act on your behalf to implement investment transactions
Leenane Templeton is a Self Managed Super Specialist company PLUS we are a licenced financial advisor thus ensuring that you receive a great all round service. Our extensive reputation proves that we are a firm you can trust.