Helping With Your
SMSF Compliance

Trusted SMSF Accountants

SMSF Administration Service

All of our self managed super fund administration is completed in Australia.  As previous winners of the Australian SMSF Best Practice Awards our SMSF administration service is of an exceptional standard and great value with many additional benefits when compared to many of our competitors. Our SMSF administration team includes experienced SMSF Association accredited Specialist Advisors TM and accredited SMSF Auditors TM, we also have inhouse financial advisors, chartered accountants and taxation specialists at hand to handle any challenges. 

Our self managed super fund administration team operates from one location, our Head Office in Newcastle, NSW. This ensures we keep our overheads low and our service quality high.  Our friendly and professional SMSF administration team enhance the specialist SMSF administration service that we provide to our Self managed super fund clients. We would be happy to discuss tailoring our self managed super fund administration services to your needs.

Our SMSF Administration Services include:

  • Preparation of Annual Financial Statements
  • Preparation of Income Tax Returns
  • Annual Self Managed Super Fund Audit
  • Mail box address for fund’s investment and transaction processing
  • 24 hours, 7 days a week secure web access to your SMSF portfolio
  • Reduction of paperwork volume for the SMSF trustees
  • Freedom to conduct your own transactions
  • Identification of SMSF compliance issues as they happen
  • Unlimited transactions
  • Automatic SMSF trust deed upgrades when law changes
  • Access to technical advice throughout the year
  • Act on your behalf to implement investment transactions
  • Australian based administration team
  • Australian owned services

Discover more about our SMSF administration services.

What is SMSF Compliance?

Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) compliance refers to the rules and regulations set forth by the Australian government that SMSFs must adhere to in order to remain legally operational and to maintain their tax benefits. These are outlined primarily in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SISA) and the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR), along with guidance and requirements from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Key Areas of SMSF Compliance:

  1. Registration & Reporting: After setting up an SMSF, it must be registered with the ATO. Annual tax returns and audits are mandatory, and annual financial accounts and statements must be prepared.
  2. Trustee Responsibilities: All trustees must understand and fulfill their legal obligations, including creating and implementing an investment strategy, making investment decisions, and managing the SMSF’s operations.
  3. Investment Strategy: The fund must have a well-documented investment strategy that takes into account the retirement goals of all fund members, as well as outlines the types of investments the SMSF will make.
  4. Member Contributions: There are rules surrounding who can contribute to an SMSF and how much can be contributed annually.
  5. Payout Rules: There are minimum annual amounts that must be withdrawn from the SMSF once a member reaches the “preservation age” and starts drawing a pension.
  6. Prohibited Investments: SMSFs are prohibited from some types of investments, and a breach could lead to hefty penalties and loss of tax concessions. For example, SMSFs generally can’t lend money to members or relatives of members.
  7. In-House Assets: The value of ‘in-house assets’ must not exceed 5% of the total fund value. In-house assets refer to loans to, leases with, and investments in related parties of the fund.
  8. Arm’s Length Transactions: All investments and transactions should occur at market rates and follow commercial principles.
  9. Sole Purpose Test: The SMSF must be maintained for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to the members, or to their dependants if a member dies before retirement.
  10. Documentation and Record-keeping: Trustees are required to maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records, minutes of meetings, and other documentation that validates decisions and transactions. Records are generally to be kept for a minimum of five to ten years.
  11. Regular Audits: The financials and compliance of an SMSF must be audited annually by an approved SMSF auditor.

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in disqualification of the trustees, civil or criminal charges, and the fund losing its tax concessions. Therefore, it’s essential to keep up-to-date with the compliance requirements and seek professional advice when needed.

My experiences with Leenane Templeton spans 15 years and I am delighted to say that at the strategic and operational levels their service and advice has delivered the best outcomes for needs. ...their support and advice has been crucial to our success...and will continue to seek their on going support.- James

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