If you pay close attention to the value of your superannuation fund, and if, like most people, your money is spread across the main investment classes, you would have noticed... read more →
Treasury released draft legislation recently that will impact limited recourse borrowing arrangements. For full details see http://www.treasury.gov.au/ConsultationsandReviews/Consultations/2015/Look-through-treatment-for-instalment-warrants We consider the major changes for SMSFs and limited recourse borrowing arrangements. Background Naturally,... read more →
There has been much conjecture as to whether a self managed superannuation fund (‘SMSF’) trustee can implement a cross-insurance strategy after 1 July 2014. The ATO recently addressed this question;... read more →
The FSI final report — chaired by David Murray — was recently released. The full text is available at http://fsi.gov.au/publications/final-report/ As expected, it has recommended that limited recourse borrowing arrangements (‘LRBAs’) in... read more →
Many of us often look at what we pay for our insurance cover over a year and wonder if there are ways we can cut the cost of insurance without... read more →
The ATO recently released an important draft tax ruling TR 2013/D7 (‘D7’) that focuses on the apportionment of expenses incurred by a superannuation fund where a fund derives both assessable... read more →